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Born 2 b Wyld is a fictitious promotional poster series displaying a data visualization system based on wildlife spotted throughout the park during a one day period. The primary objective of the personal data visualization project was to track the wildlife spotted during a day around Estes Park, then tell the story of this data visually in three different compositions.

born 2 b wyld

promotional poster series

_print design

_data visualization systems

Their graphic nature is ideal for grabbing the attention of pedestrians and drawing them in to engage with the posters. The posters feature a call to action at the bottom, encouraging viewers to go to the Estes Park website to promote the park.



promotional features

primarily time-based data visualization



primarily quantity-based data visualization



primarily distance-based data visualization




The main factors tracked when spotting the animals were the animals' name, distance, location, action, quantity, and the time they were spotted. The wildlife was tracked primarily whilst driving and utilizing the knowledge of my Aunt Debbie, who is familiar with the nature in Estes Park.

mule deer
visual elements

The final compositions use a desaturated forest inspired color palette. Calling to nature through brown, green, and blue hues. The font chosen is Museo for its funky block serif style inspired by old posters for the national parks.

museo sans 500
museo 700
a little about the park

Estes Park is a small park along the Rocky Mountains. It is famous for the Stanley Hotel (which inspired the Shining by Stephan King), and the beautiful hiking in the area. Among its breathtaking views is a plethora of wildlife from Elk, Mule Deer, Bullhorn Sheep, and much more.

data visualization process
data collection

The chart details the recorded data during the tracking period. 

initial sketches

These initial sketches explore different layouts and ways of visualizing the data. Exploration through different categorization and hierarchy of information is shown here.

successful sketches

Defines animal and grazing by shape. Quantity and distance are shown in the micro sketch.

Concentric circle graph that primarily shows distance. Animals are defined by color. Grazing is shown by a small circle as shown in micro sketch.

Line graph that shows distance by line length. Animals are defined by shape as shown in micro sketch.

These sketches explore shape, color, and style in a search to discover a cohesive aesthetic and transform analog sketches into digital format.

initial digital sketches
digital sketches

These sketches explore a refined color palette and placement of keys and typography. 

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